Analytic Philosophy of Religion in Asia 線上工作坊

11/16-18 (Mon-Wed), 9.00-12.30

國立臺灣大學哲學系將於11/16-18上午舉辦〈Analytic Philosophy of Religion in Asia(分析宗教哲學在亞洲)〉線上工作坊。以分析哲學學派的工具研究宗教哲學,在東亞早有不少優秀學者,不過一直分散各地。這次工作坊集結東亞各地好手,與國際頂尖學者交流,其中包括國際學界頂尖的基督教有神論哲學家與無神自然主義哲學家,Prof. Timothy O’Connor與Prof. Graham Oppy。兩位重要學者亦將另設獨立演講系列,敬請關注。




Days 1, 2: 哲學系館 302室

Day 3: 水源階梯教室 101室




Keynote speakers:

Leo KC Cheung 張錦青 (CUHK, Hong Kong): On Wittgensteinian Fideism

Timothy O’Connor (IU Bloomington, US): Why the One Did Not Remain Within Itself

Graham Oppy (Monash, Australia): Philosophy of Religion: (What) Is It? (What) Do We Want It To Be?

Other speakers:

Lok-Chi Chan 陳樂知 (NTU, Taiwan): Divine Creation and Human Errors

Helen De Cruz (Saint Louis, US):  Delight and Music: A Confucian Perspective on Christian Liturgy

Duen-Min Deng 鄧敦民 (NTU, Taiwan): A New Cosmological Argument from Grounding

Natalja Deng (Yonsei, Korea): Religion for Naturalists

Tien-Chun Lo 羅天均 (Oxford, UK): God’s Foreknowledge and Content Externalism

Andrew Loke 駱德恩 (HKBU, Hong Kong): The Kalam Cosmological Argument: A Reply to Graham Oppy

Kengo Miyazono 宮園健吾 (Hokkaido, Japan): Epistemic Theodicy and Doxastic Voluntarism


Roundtable discussion:  ‘Asian Contribution to Philosophy of Religion?’