Taiwan Seminar Series on Mind and Perception: Fall 2023

The Taiwan Seminar Series on Mind and Cognition之2023秋季系列由臺灣邏輯、方法論、科學與科技哲學學會(LMPST Taiwan)主辦,臺大傳統與科學形上學研究中心(臺大TSM中心)、陽明交大心智哲學研究所及政大現象學研究中心協辦。講座系列由2022年舉辦至今,每季皆邀請國內外優秀學者上線分享心智、意識與認知研究方面的心得。
第二場講座之講者為Harald Wiltsche,將討論有關科學與物理學之現象學議題。東海大學哲學系陳貴正助理教授與國立臺灣大學哲學系陳樂知副教授將擔任評論人。詳情見於海報。誠邀學界同仁參加及分享訊息!

▶️Title: The Coordination Problem: A Challenge for Transcendental Phenomenology of Science
▶️Speaker:  Harald Wiltsche (Linköping University)
▶️Respondents: Kuei-Chen Chen 陳貴正 (Tunghai University), Lok-Chi Chan 陳樂知 (National Taiwan University)
▶️Time: 18 Dec (Mon) 16:30-18:30, Taiwan Time GMT+8
▶️Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93854805951
▶️Meeting ID: 938 5480 5951

Hosted by:
Taiwan Association for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (LMPST Taiwan)
Center for Traditional and Scientific Metaphysics, National Taiwan University
Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Center for Phenomenology, National Chengchi University